Is Your Self-care Tool Box Complete? I Bet It's Missing Something.

While scrolling through Instagram recently, I saw a post from Tracee Ellis Ross where she shared what her self-care consists of. I was pleasantly surprised that she mentioned using "no" as a full sentence, setting boundaries, knowing what she can and can't handle (i.e. going home early when going out). The post resonated with many, but it got me thinking. How many people consider these actions as self-care? Do people really work on non-physical self-care, and make it a priority? Most of us probably think of face masks, bubble baths, watching TV to disconnect mindlessly, a glass of wine, working out, or even eating right as typical forms of self-care, but self-care is so much more than that!


Tracee mentions several forms of non-physical self-care that are all part of her larger self-care toolbox. This brings me to ask you, are these part of your self-care routine that you practice normally, or prioritize? If the answer is no, take some time to really think of where you are falling short. Make a list of how can you improve in these areas, and how you can make them part of your day to day? I know it's not easy and might take some time, and that's ok. All good things take time 😉

An amazing tool that I have been utilizing to figure out where I’m falling short is Human Design. I've been able to unlock detailed information specific to me, on what I should be doing for optimal wellbeing. You might be wondering, what is Human Design? I'm glad you asked. I like to think of it as your cosmic blueprint. It's literally a blueprint from the universe of how you are made, what your unique makeup is, how to best navigate the world we live in. It covers everything from how you should make decisions, your life purpose, to digestion. Jovain Archive defines Human Design as the following:

...a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, it offers profound insights into your psychology, along with strategies and techniques for making correct decisions and ultimately leading to a life of more ease and fulfillment.

If you still aren't sure what it is, think Myers-Briggs but utilizing astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah and Vedic philosophy.

Using Human Design, I've discovered that living a slow life is where I thrive! Setting boundaries, and saying no are key in this crazy hustle culture life we live in, my stress levels increase when I don't rest frequently, heart pumping exercises works best for my body, music can positively impact my mood (especially when working out), to keep my mind in tip-top shape I need to not under eat (low calorie diets are out), and creativity/the arts can help me release negative, or pint up emotions. I've taken all this goodness from my Human Design chart and shaped the perfect self-care plan for myself. In just a few weeks I've felt more energetic, I'm content, or rather balanced, and my sleep has improved!


Wouldn't you like something like this? A personal self-care plan, tailored to your unique makeup? Wouldn't you want to feel amazing, and be your best self? This is all possible and within reach!  I've created two offers to provide uniquely designed self-care and wellness that goes beyond the typical self-care we are taught and sold. The first offer is what I like to call "your cosmic blueprint". It's the handbook you've always wanted in life, giving you direction on what works and doesn't when it comes to caring for yourself, all in a ready to download pdf. A personalized selfcare/wellness plan based on your Human Design details compiled from over 80 hours of personal handwritten insights, and worksheets. You can grab your Uniquely Designed Selfcare Plan here. The second offer is my signature 1:1 coaching program designed to help you break free from the constraints of your current life circumstances. Over 3 to 6 months, you will learn to shed trauma, behaviors, patterns, and beliefs shaped by external influences to embrace your true self. You can learn more about The Wellness Gym here.

I'm excited to help you take your self-care to the next level and create a toolbox full of everything you need to feel comfort and joy in your day-to-day life. 

Xoxo, Crystal 


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