Free Resources
Not sure where to start with your selfcare and wellness journey? Check out these free resoucres to help get you started.

Customized Wellness Plan
Using your Human Design
Uncover your unique human design and unlock the secrets of who you truly are, how you operate, and how to live authentically, free from distractions.

YouTube Videos
Watch, learn, and get inspired. The Art Of Relaxing is full of helpful selfcare tips, though provoking conversations, inspriation, and more to help you on your wellness journey.

The Daily Ritual Community
A place where like-minded women are building connections, sharing experiences, and prioritizing themselves unapologetically. Embark on a journey of self-nurturing, surrounded by the love and support of fellow members. Scroll through the feed, explore the spaces that resonate with you, and discover a treasure trove of insights, advice, and encouragement.
Join The List
For tips and how to's that will make your life easier

Step-By-Step Reset Routine
This is not your typical reset routine, a list of things to do in a certain order i.e. wake up early, drink water, workout, eat this…
I wanted to provide you with something that you can easily incorporate into your day (make it work for you and how you want your day to flow), that will reset your mind and body almost instantly… I like to call them reset rituals.
What You Get: 3 rituals to use as you like (use them on their own or as an actual routine in your day). I’ll walk you through how to complete each (video tutorials and ritual sheets included). Sign up below to get yours.